Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Scallops and Arugula with Lentils and Butter Beans Great Recipe Horrible Soundtrack

One great thing about using Apples iMovie editing software is the library of instrumental soundtracks that you can use as music in your video clips (Hey, Apple, you made billions last quarter, how about a donation for this plug?). There are a few dozen options, and if youve been watching my video recipes for a while, youve heard many of them.

This very delicious Scallops and Arugula with Lentils and Butter Bean recipe video features a soundtrack called "watercolor." At first listen, I thought it was a nice light tune to match with this savory spring dish. But, now that the clip is finished, and Ive listened to it a few times, I realize that my scallops are accompanied by bad elevator music. So, please forgive me, and Im sorry about all those dentist office waiting rooms this will remind you of.

In the clip I mention something called the "Maillard effect." Its the actual reaction that most cooks incorrectly call "caramelization." I could explain it to you in my own words, or simply copy and paste
from Wikipedia…guess which one this is:

"The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, usually requiring heat. Like caramelization, it is a form of non-enzymatic browning. In the process, hundreds of different flavor compounds are created. These compounds in turn break down to form yet more new flavor compounds, and so on. Each type of food has a very distinctive set of flavor compounds that are formed during the Maillard reaction."

I hope that clears things up. Enjoy!

1 pound scallops

2 tbsp olive oil

pinch of cayenne

1 tsp paprika

salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

1 clove garlic

1 lemon

12 oz jar butter bean (or any large cooked bean)

1 1/2 cup cooked lentils

1/2 tsp dried Italian herbs

2 large handfuls baby arugula

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